How to Bring Your Inner Child to Work With You.

     When I was young I was terrified to grow up. I thought I would lose my imagination at a certain point and morphe into a boring adult. For this reason, I played with Barbies until I was in 8th grade. I was devastated once I packed up my dolls. I felt pressured to move on from something I loved so much. Friends and family shared the same belief that I was too old for dolls. I disagreed because the children in the commercials appeared to be about my age. Society pressured me into making a transition I was not ready to.

    Now that I am 31 I realized how people will pressure you to make decisions that they have no business to. My doll play was not hurting anyone. My Pepto pink room did not cause any angst. Why did I have to change? In hindsight, I simply did not. Certain people who shall not be named tried to make sure I made each choice in my life with a future husband in mind. Jokes on them because I'm gay! I could delve into how amazing my current girlfriend is but I'll save that for later. 

A Hippo Pen
One of my personal fun pens!

    My point what you want. Cling to the things that bring you joy and let go of things that do not. I totally understand how hard it can be when you work in Corporate. Here are some ways to help you unwind and embrace your inner child! 

  1. Buy silly pens! A pen can do so many things. Why not let it make you laugh? A cute pig pen perhaps? A Hippo that has the ability to "poop"? Whatever you like. Fun pens can also be a great ice breaker. Here are some of my favorites:
    2.  Are you shy? Maybe fun pens are too much for you. No worries! We can dial it back to a zone of comfort with fun slippers for home!

    3.  Maybe you want something subtle but still fun at the office? A treat for all co-workers that pop into your cubicle! A Desk Calendar is the best way to go!
   4.  Eating out is tempting but not in this economy! Save some money and have fun with these retro lunchboxes!

    I hope I have inspired you to stop worrying about what others think and worry about what you think. Adult life does not have to be so boring. You have an adult paycheck with a child's desires. Get yourself that thing you always wanted as a child. 

XO Ash
