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How to Bring Your Inner Child to Work With You.

      W hen I was young I was terrified to grow up. I thought I would lose my imagination at a certain point and morphe into a boring adult. For this reason, I played with Barbies until I was in 8th grade. I was devastated once I packed up my dolls. I felt pressured to move on from something I loved so much. Friends and family shared the same belief that I was too old for dolls. I disagreed because the children in the commercials appeared to be about my age. Society pressured me into making a transition I was not ready to.      Now that I am 31 I realized how people will pressure you to make decisions that they have no business to. My doll play was not hurting anyone. My Pepto pink room did not cause any angst. Why did I have to change? In hindsight, I simply did not. Certain people who shall not be named tried to make sure I made each choice in my life with a future husband in mind. Jokes on them because I'm gay! I could delve into how amazing my current girlfriend is but I'll

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